Wireless scanning
24-bit full-color scanning
Anti-shake tracking
High-quality & fast scanning
Widely supported
CR-Scan Ferret Pro introduces innovative one-shot 3D imaging technology, ensuring smooth scanning even with unsteady hands and significantly improving the scanning success rate. It eliminates the need for scanning spray, enabling the scanning of black/metal objects like cars, car parts, and tires for desired model effects. With its built-in 2MP high-resolution color camera, it captures vibrant 3D models accurately, enhancing user-friendliness and image-processing capacity. Utilizing advanced Wifi6 high-speed wireless network technology, three times faster than Wifi5, it ensures efficient data transmission, meeting the bandwidth requirements for high-precision scanning and enhancing overall data collection efficiency.
Creality SCAN Ferret Pro 3D Scanner
- Product Code: CR-SCAN-Ferret-Pro-4008050043
- Availability: In Stock
- $825.00
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Tags: Creality, Scanning, Ferret Pro, 3D Scanner, CR-SCAN